We sat down with Ebonie, founder of Lashed by Ebonie, to chat about how to launch a side business and get paid for doing something you actually like.

>> Us
So let's get this straight...you have just started your HSC that takes up heaps of your time. You play rugby after school, study, sleep and on top that, the everyday life stuff we all have to deal with. What even made you consider starting your own business?
>> Ebonie
Well, I know that lash extensions appeal to a lot of girls and not many businesses do it from home. On top of that it can be quite expensive. To get your lashes professionally done in a salon can take out a huge chunk of your pay. If you only have a causal job....we are talking two days of your pay packet. I knew heaps of people who get lash extensions. I realised that I could do this for less money but equal quality. It was basically seeing and filling a gap. It would be something good to do in my own time and get income while doing it!
>> Us
So for you, it was as simple as seeing what was already out there and thinking "I could do this and get money for doing it"?
There was heaps of potential for me to make way more money than I would normally while also making it affordable for people who wanted a quality yet cheaper solution to lash extensions.
For many people, this would be super overwhelming let alone someone who is starting their HSC year. Most people wouldn't even know where to start. How did you do it?
So my mum had a connection with a beauty wholesaler in Newcastle. They were advertising eyelash extensions and a training course. It was a one-day course, followed by a two-day course to become qualified. And there was also stuff that I did in the background to prep that was free. I was doing full sets of eyelash extensions and infills to practice. I wanted to feel completely confident so I did about 20 people's eyelashes, then advertised at a low cost to build a customer base and learn at the same time. After the course I also spent time watching tutorials on YouTube to get my head around certain techniques that I was initially struggling with to make sure I was doing a technique that was the safest and most effective method.

So looking at this year and beyond you are obviously doing so much (exams and trying to have a social life just to name a few). What will starting your own business mean for your lifestyle?
Launching Lashed will definitely give me more time to spend with my family. I can work my the hours I want and also work around what my family is doing and what I have on. The amount of time it takes for me to complete one set of lashes will allow me to get more income and more value for my time than I would with a more traditional weekend job role.
Can you give us a sneak peak into your business formula? How do you make it work?
First up I bought everything that was an essential to provide lash infills with money I had saved from my previous job. I made sure that my initial costs were low so it would be easier to make it all back when my business was up and running and income was coming in. Initially, all my profit I put back into the business to cover my costs but now I am at a stage where I am getting a profit.
>> Us
This. Is. Amazing. Where can we book in?
>> Ebonie
I accept bookings via dm @lashedbyebonie.
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