We give the next gen a head start over a career

We believe that the next generation's movement into career spaces can begin early and lead to real job roles.

What is Virtual Intern?
Virtual Intern is an online platform that provides youth with relevant, local, and project-based work experiences to help them transition into meaningful job roles.
We work with local businesses to help the next generation understand the breadth of what a career can offer, showcase skills to employers, and secure work.
Local links, Big reach
Our platform is available throughout Australia to prepare, connect, and transition local talent to local industries. Through our work experiences, students can bulk, showcase, and transport their skills, while employers can identify talent early and strategically.

Early Pipeline Builder
Our platform enables you to build your employment pipeline early in order to more strategically identify and engage future talent. Develop the capabilities of entry-level employees while communicating your company's story, culture, and expectations.
Keeping it relevant
Choose the space in which you currently move to see how our experiences can back you.